Address of Viktoria Mykolaivna Zhidkova, head of the “Virnist” Animal Protection Society, Dobropillya city, Donetsk region

We are a team of volunteers from the city of Dobropillia, in the Donetsk region, we call ourselves the “Virnist” Animal Protection Society, a registered public organization “Public Legal Initiative”. For more than 10 years, we have been dealing with solving the problems of homeless animals (sterilization, finding new owners, promoting humane treatment of animals). We provide assistance to vulnerable segments of the population and their animals.
After the aggressor’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, our city found itself in the front-line zone. Many people left for safer regions of Ukraine or abroad. The number of abandoned animals has increased several times. Unfortunately, some elderly people are also left without support. We decided to organize to help both homeless animals and people. We ask for help where we can. This is primarily animal feed, grain and meat products to feed abandoned animals. We pass this on to curators who feed animals on the streets, we feed animals on the street ourselves and animals that we have sheltered in our homes (we keep about 60 cats and 50 dogs in our own homes).

Feedback on the assistance provided

Our animals from the Donetsk region received such a wonderful gift – wet fodder. This is a real treasure in our time!
With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the aggressor into Ukraine, our volunteer activities in the Donetsk region became very difficult. The number of abandoned homeless animals has increased many times. Prices have soared. Product deliveries are complicated.
But what do we do without good people who are always ready to support and come to the rescue! Thank you from the bottom of my heart
USAVA and the American Veterinary Medical Foundation (AVMF)
Our foster cats are incredibly grateful!
Together to victory! Everything will be Ukraine!
ТЗ “Virnist”, Dobropillya, Donetsk region, Ukraine.

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