A message from Oksana Chebotar, the owner of the cocker spaniel Simba

ear Vladlen Mykhailovych! I am Oksana Chebotar, the owner of Simba, an American cocker spaniel. I am asking you for financial assistance regarding my animal’s illness, because as a result of Russian aggression, I was forced to leave Ukraine together with Simba, as a result of which I lost my main income. Currently, Simba is in a serious condition at the veterinary clinic in Odesa (I am attaching tests, an extract from the veterinary card).

Feedback on the assistance provided

Every person who has a furry friend (cat or dog) in their family… knows that it is the Standard of Devotion, Loyalty and Selfless Love… and when they get sick, it is similar to when a family member gets sick… It happened, that our beloved Simba got sick at the most inappropriate moment (when I was not around). In all possible and impossible ways, I tried to take him home from Chisinau to Odesa… and I would not have succeeded if his guardian angels had not appeared nearby, who took upon themselves the responsibility of transporting Simba in a difficult condition to the border with Ukraine, where my husband and I they were already waiting for him.

In Odesa, a wonderful team of doctors from the “Doctor Khvostus” Veterinary Clinic and our doctor were already waiting for us, who literally took him out of the other world… and finally, we could not do without the financial support of the Ukrainian Association of Veterinary Medicine for Small Animals USAVA. And our shaggy favorite checked out to delight us with his adventures and further ….

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